Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Veterans Day Celebrations in Massachusetts - Lowell MA
Held every year on the 11th of November in the United States of America, Veterans Day is a federal holiday that began as a way to celebrate the contribution of the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces that have served the country through the years. Veterans Day is celebrated on a grand scale across the country with several parades, events and sales being set up to commemorate the huge sacrifices of the armed forces and their families.
Celebrating Veterans Day in Massachusetts
Massachusetts has a rich history of armed force service for the country, starting from the Bay Colony easy days till present. There are several events being held around the state to commemorate the armed forces contribution to the United States.
An Annual Veterans' Day Ceremony will be held on November 11th at 10 am at the Massachusetts State House on Beacon Street in Boston. Some other events held in the same week include the Disabled American Veterans Inaugural Walk on 14th November at 9 am at the Boston Common Parkman Bandstand in Boston and the Veterans' Expo at the Chelsea Soldiers Home on November 19th from 1 pm at Martin Auditorium in Chelsea.
Veterans Day Parade Schedule
A Veteran’s Day Parade will be held on November 11th at 1 pm. This parade starts at the corner of Charles and Boylston Streets and moves toward City Hall Plaza. The Annual Veterans Day Appreciation Dinner is held on November 11th at 6 pm. This dinner is sponsored by the Natick Soldier Systems Center, the Town of Natick, the Natick Veterans Council, police and fire unions. Invitations are extended to every veteran, active duty service member and their families. The dinner takes place at Natick’s new community-senior center on East Central Street. If you are interested in participating in this dinner, please RSVP to veterans@natickma.org.
Stone Zoo and Franklin Park Zoo will honor the service of every veteran on November 11th by offering free admission to veterans from 10 am to 4 pm. This will give veterans an opportunity to spend a memorable day with their families.
Boston Duck Tours will recognize all military personnel and first responders by offering free rides during the Veterans Day week from November 10th to November 14th. The DAV Boston Walk for Disabled American Veterans will be held on November 14th at the Boston Common Parkman Bandstand. For other events in and around Boston and Massachusetts, you can refer to this guide.
Helpful Resources for Veterans in Massachusetts
The Department of Veterans Services offers help to war veterans and their families by offering financial assistance, medical assistance, family benefits, disability benefits and much more. You can contact your local office if you are seeking certain benefits from the Department.
The City of Boston Veteran Services also seeks to provide assistance to veterans and their families by connecting them with eligible benefits and services. The Central Massachusetts Veteran Services offers information on VA disability, survivor benefits, non-service connected pension and much more. If you need to apply for any of these benefits, contact the department by entering your information in their contact page.
The Law Offices of Todd D. Beauregard would like to thank all of our military veterans and all who are currently serving.
By Todd Beauregard
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Halloween Safety For Trick or Treaters in Massachusetts _ Lowell MA
Reminders to Massachusetts Parents about Trick or Treating this Halloween
Next to Christmas, Halloween is the children’s most awaited annual event. As with all other American states, practically all communities of Massachusetts have lined up a whole array of exciting activities to grace the Halloween season. There are parties, street parades, and the highlight of the night, trick or treating.
Sadly, there have been at least a few unfortunate Halloween-related mishaps, all due to a combination of carelessness and just plain ill luck. According to statistics, most accidents on the road and indoors occur between 6:00 to 7:00 PM, the peak hour for trick or treating.
You don’t want your family to be part of the accident statistics anytime at all. As parents, you should be aware of the following Halloween safety tips. Relay them to your kids before you allow them to go trick or treating.
Questions? Call: 978-275-1919
Costumes. Your child may want to be a princess, a monster, or a superhero. Whatever the costume is, make sure that its parts are securely in place, no loose ends that would cause snagging or tearing. The costume should not be too heavy. If there’s a headgear or mask, make sure that the opening is big enough for your child to be able to see around his surroundings. Better yet, use face paint or makeup instead of masks or headgears. Before going outside for trick or treating, your child should test out the costume at home first to make sure it’s not too heavy and that it doesn’t cause slipping or tripping. Especially be careful with oversized footwear (such as with clown and animal costumes) that might be hazardous on the stairs. Make sure wings, tails, or headdresses can go safely between doorways. Your child should use only safe accessories, nothing that is fire-lit. Most of all, costumes must be flame-resistant.
Visibility on the road. Your child should bring a flashlight or neon stick. Place reflecting adhesive tape on parts of his costume so that he will be visible to motorists at night. Remind him to avoid dark places, use the sidewalks, and cross only at intersections and pedestrian lanes.
Safety in numbers. As much as possible, your child should go with a group, and to stay with that group until the end of the activity. A group of trick or treaters is much more visible to motorists. A child who is alone will stand the risk of getting hit by a car, trip, falling down, and getting kidnapped. Teach them what to do if ever they find themselves left behind. Better yet, remind the older members of the group to keep an eye on the younger ones and make sure nobody gets left behind.
Getting help. Just in case the inevitable happens, your children should get help immediately from neighbors or passersby. Your child should also know where to call in case of an emergency. They should never leave an injured companion alone. And they should be ready to give a narrative of the incident to police and paramedics, so that these people will know exactly how to handle the accident. Teach them to record car plate numbers and recall vehicle features (important in case of a hit-and-run accident).
By Todd D. Beauregard
Next to Christmas, Halloween is the children’s most awaited annual event. As with all other American states, practically all communities of Massachusetts have lined up a whole array of exciting activities to grace the Halloween season. There are parties, street parades, and the highlight of the night, trick or treating.
Sadly, there have been at least a few unfortunate Halloween-related mishaps, all due to a combination of carelessness and just plain ill luck. According to statistics, most accidents on the road and indoors occur between 6:00 to 7:00 PM, the peak hour for trick or treating.
You don’t want your family to be part of the accident statistics anytime at all. As parents, you should be aware of the following Halloween safety tips. Relay them to your kids before you allow them to go trick or treating.
Questions? Call: 978-275-1919
Costumes. Your child may want to be a princess, a monster, or a superhero. Whatever the costume is, make sure that its parts are securely in place, no loose ends that would cause snagging or tearing. The costume should not be too heavy. If there’s a headgear or mask, make sure that the opening is big enough for your child to be able to see around his surroundings. Better yet, use face paint or makeup instead of masks or headgears. Before going outside for trick or treating, your child should test out the costume at home first to make sure it’s not too heavy and that it doesn’t cause slipping or tripping. Especially be careful with oversized footwear (such as with clown and animal costumes) that might be hazardous on the stairs. Make sure wings, tails, or headdresses can go safely between doorways. Your child should use only safe accessories, nothing that is fire-lit. Most of all, costumes must be flame-resistant.
Visibility on the road. Your child should bring a flashlight or neon stick. Place reflecting adhesive tape on parts of his costume so that he will be visible to motorists at night. Remind him to avoid dark places, use the sidewalks, and cross only at intersections and pedestrian lanes.
Safety in numbers. As much as possible, your child should go with a group, and to stay with that group until the end of the activity. A group of trick or treaters is much more visible to motorists. A child who is alone will stand the risk of getting hit by a car, trip, falling down, and getting kidnapped. Teach them what to do if ever they find themselves left behind. Better yet, remind the older members of the group to keep an eye on the younger ones and make sure nobody gets left behind.
Getting help. Just in case the inevitable happens, your children should get help immediately from neighbors or passersby. Your child should also know where to call in case of an emergency. They should never leave an injured companion alone. And they should be ready to give a narrative of the incident to police and paramedics, so that these people will know exactly how to handle the accident. Teach them to record car plate numbers and recall vehicle features (important in case of a hit-and-run accident).
By Todd D. Beauregard
Monday, July 6, 2015
Summer Vacation Safety Tips in Massachusetts - How to Avoid Personal Injury From Fireworks
Summer vacations in Massachusetts are in full swing and Independence Day is one with a rich history of family fun and friendly get-togethers. Part of the magic of the holiday includes lighting fireworks. But, it’s important to remember that as much fun as fireworks can be, they can also cause serious personal injury. That’s why practicing fireworks safety is vital for ensuring that your holiday fun doesn’t end up disaster. Some safety tips for avoiding personal injury are listed below, as well as a few locations for Fourth of July fireworks events – just in case part of your celebration includes watching a magnificent sky display put on by professionals.
Firework Safety Tips:
Use caution when allowing children to use fireworks, including sparklers. They may look innocent, but they can reach up to 1800⁰F. Children should hold sparklers away from their body (especially their face), their clothes and their hair – and only adults should be lighting them.
1. Always use fireworks outdoors, light one firework at a time, and never hold them in your hand while lighting.
2. NEVER attempt to re-light a dud.
3. Make sure fireworks are set off in a direction opposite of homes, business, or any kind of flammable material (dried leaves and summer-thirsty bushes catch fire easily).
4. Never purchase illegal fireworks (legal ones have the manufacturer’s name printed on them), and check your local ordinances to make sure you are allowed to use them.
5. Store fireworks in a dry, cool space.
6. Always have water or a hose ready, in the event of an emergency.
7. Save alcohol for after the fireworks. Impairment and fireworks just don’t mix.
8. Always be on guard and take notice of your surroundings. It’s not unusual for fireworks to “backfire” and take off in the opposite direction, and you will want to avoid personal injury to those nearby.
9. Do not point fireworks at anyone, and never throw them at someone.
10. Remember that “duds” may not be duds. Some fireworks may actually still be ignited, ready to
explode or light up at any time (so don’t let your kids pick them up after the event).
11. Should a child be injured, they should be taken to a hospital or to their doctor immediately. Cool water should be poured over burns (not cold water), clothing should be removed where is might contact skin, and if any injury occurs to the eyes, they should be left alone and not flushed out.
Fireworks Events in Your Area for July 4, 2015 (Check local areas for events for additional dates)
Fourth of July fireworks events are being held state-wide in Massachusetts, in select cities. For instance, if you live near Agawam, you can view them at Six Flags at 9:30 PM, or if you’re in Pepperell, you can see them at Nissitissit Middle School Athletic Field at 9:00 PM. Boston residents can see a fantastic display a 10:00 PM at the Barge on the Charles River, Middleborough residents can watch them at 10:00 PM at Battis Field/Pierce Playground, those in Bellingham can see them at 60 Blackstone Field at 9:00 PM, and Nantucket area residents can see them at the Barge in Nantucket Sound off Jetties Beach at 9:00 PM. Mattapoisett area residents get the best of the day, with two events: the Bay Club at 9:15 PM, and Millbury at 9:45 PM. Other cities hosting events include:
• Ayer at 36 Bligh Street, 9:00 PM
• Barnstable at the Barge in Lewis Bay, ~9:00/9:15PM
• Bridgewater at Legion Field, 9:30 PM
• Canton at the Irish Cultural Ctr, 9:15 PM
• East Harwich at the 2 - Barges off Wequassett Inn, 9:15 PM
• Lincoln at Codman Field, 9:15 PM
• Marblehead at the Barge in Marblehead Harbor, 9:30 PM
• Marion at the Barge off Silver Shell Beach, 9:15 PM
• Nahant at Bass Point Road, 9:00 PM
• New Bedford at the Barge in New Bedford Harbor, 9:00 PM
• Newton at Albermarle/Halloran Field, 9:00PM
• Provincetown at MacMillan Wharf, 9:00 PM
• Waltham at Leary Field, 9:15 PM
• Winthrop at Coughlin Park, 9:15 PM
Avoiding personal injury is a safety goal anytime fireworks are around, and although fireworks are generally safe when used properly, there are occasions when people suffer personal injury due to negligence. If you or anyone you know ends up being injured due to fireworks safety precautions being overlooked, don’t take it lightly. Safety precautions are in place for a reason, and if your injury could have been prevented, you should contact an attorney to find out about compensation.
By Todd Beauregard
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Thanksgiving Traveling Safely Tips in Massachusetts - Avoid a Car Accident
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the most traveled holiday period of the year is mere weeks away. If you are planning on traveling throughout Massachusetts over the Thanksgiving holidays, the American Red Cross has prepared a list of travel tips designed to help you and your family arrive at your destination safe and sound.
Before Leaving Home
While You Are Driving
By Todd D. Beauregard
Before Leaving Home
- Be certain that your car is in good working order. This includes checking your oil and coolant levels, as well as making sure your radiator blades are clean, the fan belt fits correctly and is not worn, all filters are clean, and the windshield wipers work correctly. If you are uncomfortable inspecting your automobile then take it to a qualified auto repair facility or dealership.
- Make sure your tire pressure is adequate. On the inside the driver’s side door jamb near the latch (not the hinges) there should be a sticker indicating the manufacturers recommended tire pressure. If your tires are not up this pressure, add the needed amount of air.
- Clean your headlights and taillights. They tend to get cloudy over time, reducing the strength of your lights.
- Start your trip with a full tank of gas.
- Get plenty of rest the night before to ensure you are well rested and alert for you drive.
While You Are Driving
- Make sure that everyone is buckled up properly. Check car seats to ensure they are installed correctly.
- Never drive impaired! If you have been drinking, you should not be the one driving. In 2012, there were 32 alcohol impaired driving fatalities in Massachusetts. 72% of drivers had a BAC greater than .15. Every one of these deaths was completely preventable!
- Slow down! There are going to be plenty of drivers on the road, so use caution.
- Observe the speed limit. Your chances of being involved in an auto accident are increased if you are driving too fast or too slow.
- Devote your full attention to the road. This means no cell phones, no breaking up arguments in the backseat, and no fiddling with the radio.
- Follow the rules of the road. This includes making sure that you do not follow the car in front of you too closely.
- When dusk approaches, turn on your headlights. Additionally, if the weather impedes visibility, make sure your headlights are on regardless of what time of day or night it is.
- If you are going to be on a long road trip, make frequent stops and rotate drivers to prevent drivers from becoming too fatigued.
- If your car starts to give you trouble, pull off the road. Be sure to pull as far off the road as possible.
By Todd D. Beauregard
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Did You Know Filing Bankruptcy Can Actually Increase Your Credit Score?
When you think of bankruptcy, what comes to mind? For most people, bankruptcy is a very dirty word. According to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court the bankruptcy rate has seen a decline every month for the last quarter of 2013, however bankruptcy is still inevitable for many Americans. The average American assumes that filing bankruptcy will always result n a poor credit score for at least ten years. There are a lot of myths associated with filing bankruptcy.
But did you know that filing bankruptcy can actually increase your credit score?
It’s true.

The first thing to understand is that if you are considering filing for bankruptcy, your score is probably already low. Generally, in order to be eligible for bankruptcy, you have to carry a certain amount of debt. Many consumers are able to improve their credit score within a year or two of filing bankruptcy.
If bankruptcy doesn’t lower your credit score, then what does it do?
- Bankruptcy eliminates your legal responsibility to pay off certain debts. This “discharge” can be beneficial in certain cases and can stop the foreclosures and repossessions.
- Bankruptcy allows an individual to catch up on loans and other bills.
- Bankruptcy can stop your wages from being garnished and stop collection agencies from harassing you.
- Periodically look at your credit report and dispute any fraudulent charges. Everyone is at risk of identity theft. Now that you have filed bankruptcy, be sure to remain vigilant in checking your credit report.
- Be aware of your current credit score. You should check your credit score every month or so to stay abreast of any changes. When applying for credit, a creditor will check your score—this could cause your score to go down, so make sure you take your time in applying for new cards. Be careful in the types of cards you apply for and be sure to follow up the application process by checking your credit score.
- Try to pay all of your bills on time. This is an essential step to continuing to rebuild your credit after filing bankruptcy. You want to avoid putting yourself in another financial crisis. Paying your bills on time can help you start to establish a strong credit history and keep you on the road to financial recovery.
- Avoid any of those “quick fix” credit repair services. Rebuilding your credit takes time. Don’t be fooled by companies that claim to be able to fix your credit overnight. There is nothing wrong with repairing your credit slowly at your own pace.
- Spend within your limit. Having a budget will help ensure that you are able to keep up with your financial responsibilities. Spending within your limit means that you won’t have to worry about overexerting your wallet. If you spend within your limit, you can be in a better position to deal with unexpected expenses or even pay more than the required minimum payments on any bills, which may allow you to build up your credit faster after filing bankruptcy. If you are able to stick to a budget, you can put yourself in a great position to improve your credit score.
If you are still unsure about whether you qualify for bankruptcy or if you have questions regarding how filing bankruptcy might impact your credit score, it would be beneficial to find a bankruptcy attorney that is reputable in your state as many offer a free, confidential consultation.
By Todd D. Beauregard
Friday, January 17, 2014
5 Scariest Product Recalls - Injury Lawyers Massachusetts
Consumer Product Safety Recalls
As a species, we're pretty awesome when it comes to inventing - some of the products and gadgets we have now seem to have come straight from science fiction. We can invent, manufacture and distribute goods all over the world, faster than ever before. Cause for celebration, perhaps, but things do not always go to plan. Think yourself lucky if you never bought any of these five items, Most of these products have caused some type of personal injury or embarrassment to the consumers who bought them, they're the five scariest product recalls.
1. Shower Doors Shattering
In 2011, Kohler Co. recalled about 100 glass shower doors after discovering that the hinge mechanism could shatter and pose a laceration hazard. Dozens of complaints have been received about various shower screens shattering, causing all kinds of cuts and lacerations. Some people even needed stitches or surgery as a result of their injuries.
2. Chair Collapse
Everyone has fallen off a chair and embarrassed themselves at some point in life. Sometimes, the chair itself is to blame. Walmart just recalled a five piece card table and chair set after it emerged that many of the chairs have been unexpectedly collapsing. Finger amputations, finger fractures and injured backs are just a few of the injuries associated with the poorly made chairs. Card playing suddenly seems like less of a gamble than sitting down.
3. Transparent Yoga Trousers
Perhaps one of the most embarrassing business flops of the year comes in the form of designer yoga pants, which, seemingly, weren't quite up to the task. Lululemon Athletica's yoga pants, with prices starting at $100 per pair, used material so thin that in many of their designs, the pants became so sheer as to be see-through. The products were recalled at an estimated cost of $60 billion. Scary if you inadvertently owned a pair and exposed yourself unwittingly, and scary too, if you're a shareholder.
4. Drop-Side Cribs
Millions of drop-side cribs have been recalled in the US after the tragic suffocation and death of more than 100 infants due to the cribs. Some babies suffocated and others fell from the cribs due to missing or faulty hardware in the sides. Traditional drop-side cribs have now been banned in the US but consumers should beware of second-hand drop-side cribs which may still be available for purchase.
5. HP Chromebook 11
The Chromebook 11 was meant to be the next big thing. As an affordable, lightweight and sleek laptop built around Google Chrome system, it was expected to be a big hit last holiday season. However, all of a sudden, the product started to disappear from the shelves, and it was not due to its popularity. Instead, HP began receiving reports that some of the battery chargers were dangerously overheating, causing a potential fire or burn hazard. No big fuss was made, but products were gradually recalled from stores - scary because we almost never heard about it! Most products are made safely and perform their function as expected, but there will always be some things that fall through the net. Protecting yourself should always come before having the latest fashion or fad.
By Massachusetts Injury Lawyer Todd Beauregard
As a species, we're pretty awesome when it comes to inventing - some of the products and gadgets we have now seem to have come straight from science fiction. We can invent, manufacture and distribute goods all over the world, faster than ever before. Cause for celebration, perhaps, but things do not always go to plan. Think yourself lucky if you never bought any of these five items, Most of these products have caused some type of personal injury or embarrassment to the consumers who bought them, they're the five scariest product recalls.
1. Shower Doors Shattering
In 2011, Kohler Co. recalled about 100 glass shower doors after discovering that the hinge mechanism could shatter and pose a laceration hazard. Dozens of complaints have been received about various shower screens shattering, causing all kinds of cuts and lacerations. Some people even needed stitches or surgery as a result of their injuries.
2. Chair Collapse
Everyone has fallen off a chair and embarrassed themselves at some point in life. Sometimes, the chair itself is to blame. Walmart just recalled a five piece card table and chair set after it emerged that many of the chairs have been unexpectedly collapsing. Finger amputations, finger fractures and injured backs are just a few of the injuries associated with the poorly made chairs. Card playing suddenly seems like less of a gamble than sitting down.
3. Transparent Yoga Trousers
Perhaps one of the most embarrassing business flops of the year comes in the form of designer yoga pants, which, seemingly, weren't quite up to the task. Lululemon Athletica's yoga pants, with prices starting at $100 per pair, used material so thin that in many of their designs, the pants became so sheer as to be see-through. The products were recalled at an estimated cost of $60 billion. Scary if you inadvertently owned a pair and exposed yourself unwittingly, and scary too, if you're a shareholder.
4. Drop-Side Cribs
Millions of drop-side cribs have been recalled in the US after the tragic suffocation and death of more than 100 infants due to the cribs. Some babies suffocated and others fell from the cribs due to missing or faulty hardware in the sides. Traditional drop-side cribs have now been banned in the US but consumers should beware of second-hand drop-side cribs which may still be available for purchase.
5. HP Chromebook 11
The Chromebook 11 was meant to be the next big thing. As an affordable, lightweight and sleek laptop built around Google Chrome system, it was expected to be a big hit last holiday season. However, all of a sudden, the product started to disappear from the shelves, and it was not due to its popularity. Instead, HP began receiving reports that some of the battery chargers were dangerously overheating, causing a potential fire or burn hazard. No big fuss was made, but products were gradually recalled from stores - scary because we almost never heard about it! Most products are made safely and perform their function as expected, but there will always be some things that fall through the net. Protecting yourself should always come before having the latest fashion or fad.
By Massachusetts Injury Lawyer Todd Beauregard
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Marriage, Relationships and Divorce - Divorce Lawyer, M
Marriage, Relationships and Divorce Laws in Today's Society
In this day and age, we can no longer even pretend that families on TV shows such as Leave it to Beaver and The Brady Bunch represent the American norm. Many couples live together without being married; gay and lesbian couples are increasingly open about their relationships and have begun to demand the same legal rights as straight married couples. Some same-sex couples have formalized their relationships in civil unions or domestic partnerships or even by getting legally married where such unions are legal, while others have flouted the law and gotten married in civil ceremonies. According to the 2000 U .S. Census, unmarried couples heterosexual and same-sex now represent 11 million households, an increase of more than 72 percent since 1990!
Responsible Relationships
Although family law, the kind of law that deals with marriage, divorce, and parent children relationships is still largely based on a traditional definition of family, the societal changes we're experiencing are forcing our legal system at all levels to rethink its assumptions about the rights and obligations that come with certain personal relationships. For example, our legal system has to answer hard questions about what's fair when it comes to divorce, whether unmarried heterosexual couples should have the same rights and responsibilities as married couples, and what rights and responsibilities gay and lesbian couples should be given. Should they be allowed to enter into domestic partnerships or civil unions? Should they be allowed to marry just like heterosexual couples? Because of these and many other issues, family law is in great flux.
Laws That Affect Your Daily Life
As many of us know from personal experience, you can never guarantee that close personal relationships will be trouble free, or that, if there's trouble in paradise , the people involved will be able to resolve their differences with a minimum amount of angst and damage to their pocket books. If however, you understand how family law affects your legal rights and responsibilities before you get married, file for divorce, start a family, take a live in lover, and so on, you 'll have a greater appreciation for the legal implications of what you 're about to do. You'll also have a better understanding of the steps you can take to minimize the potential for legal and financial problems down the road.
Love No Longer Equals Marriage
Remember the popular old song about how love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage? That pretty picture isn't necessarily true anymore. Although couples who are in love and who want to be together are still most likely to get formally married, many opt just to live together. Others become informally married in states where common law marriages are legally recognized. (For more on common law marriages, see the sidebar "We're married because we say we are."
How you structure your relationship affects your legal and financial obligations both while you're together and (heaven forbid) after you split up. Given that marriage is a time honored tradition that the law continues to view as a relationship to be promoted and supported, the rights and responsibilities that married couples have to one another during and after marriage are very well defined. The law is much less clear when it comes to other kinds of live in relationships; therefore, when you're madly in love with someone and are certain that you 'll live "happily ever after," it's important that you understand the implications of getting married versus just living together. Unfortunately, many of us don't gain a true appreciation for the legal pros and cons of each option until our relationships fall apart.
Living Together
Although some changes are being made, in most states, if you live in an unmarried relationship with someone, neither of you have any automatic legal rights or responsibilities to the other while you're together or after you split up.
You and your partner can, however, voluntarily give yourselves rights and responsibilities, including many of the ones that automatically come with marriage, in a legally binding cohabitation agreement. Get a family attorney's help.
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