Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Vacation Safety Tips in Massachusetts - How to Avoid Personal Injury From Fireworks

Summer vacations in Massachusetts are in full swing and Independence Day is one with a rich history of family fun and friendly get-togethers. Part of the magic of the holiday includes lighting fireworks. But, it’s important to remember that as much fun as fireworks can be, they can also cause serious personal injury. That’s why practicing fireworks safety is vital for ensuring that your holiday fun doesn’t end up disaster. Some safety tips for avoiding personal injury are listed below, as well as a few locations for Fourth of July fireworks events – just in case part of your celebration includes watching a magnificent sky display put on by professionals. 

Firework Safety Tips: 

Use caution when allowing children to use fireworks, including sparklers. They may look innocent, but they can reach up to 1800⁰F. Children should hold sparklers away from their body (especially their face), their clothes and their hair – and only adults should be lighting them.

1.    Always use fireworks outdoors, light one firework at a time, and never hold them in your hand while lighting.

2.    NEVER attempt to re-light a dud.

3.    Make sure fireworks are set off in a direction opposite of homes, business, or any kind of flammable material (dried leaves and summer-thirsty bushes catch fire easily).

4.    Never purchase illegal fireworks (legal ones have the manufacturer’s name printed on them), and check your local ordinances to make sure you are allowed to use them.

5.    Store fireworks in a dry, cool space.

6.    Always have water or a hose ready, in the event of an emergency.

7.    Save alcohol for after the fireworks. Impairment and fireworks just don’t mix.

8.    Always be on guard and take notice of your surroundings. It’s not unusual for fireworks to “backfire” and take off in the opposite direction, and you will want to avoid personal injury to those nearby.

9.    Do not point fireworks at anyone, and never throw them at someone.

10.    Remember that “duds” may not be duds. Some fireworks may actually still be ignited, ready to
explode or light up at any time (so don’t let your kids pick them up after the event).

11.    Should a child be injured, they should be taken to a hospital or to their doctor immediately. Cool water should be poured over burns (not cold water), clothing should be removed where is might contact skin, and if any injury occurs to the eyes, they should be left alone and not flushed out.
Fireworks Events in Your Area for July 4, 2015 (Check local areas for events for additional dates)

Fourth of July fireworks events are being held state-wide in Massachusetts, in select cities. For instance, if you live near Agawam, you can view them at Six Flags at 9:30 PM, or if you’re in Pepperell, you can see them at Nissitissit Middle School Athletic Field at 9:00 PM. Boston residents can see a fantastic display a 10:00 PM at the Barge on the Charles River, Middleborough residents can watch them at 10:00 PM at Battis Field/Pierce Playground, those in Bellingham can see them at 60 Blackstone Field at 9:00 PM, and Nantucket area residents can see them at the Barge in Nantucket Sound off Jetties Beach at 9:00 PM. Mattapoisett area residents get the best of the day, with two events: the Bay Club at 9:15 PM, and Millbury at 9:45 PM. Other cities hosting events include: 

•    Ayer at 36 Bligh Street, 9:00 PM
•    Barnstable at the Barge in Lewis Bay, ~9:00/9:15PM
•    Bridgewater at Legion Field, 9:30 PM
•    Canton at the Irish Cultural Ctr, 9:15 PM
•    East Harwich at the 2 - Barges off Wequassett Inn, 9:15 PM
•    Lincoln at Codman Field, 9:15 PM
•    Marblehead at the Barge in Marblehead Harbor, 9:30 PM
•    Marion at the Barge off Silver Shell Beach, 9:15 PM
•    Nahant at Bass Point Road, 9:00 PM
•    New Bedford at the Barge in New Bedford Harbor, 9:00 PM
•    Newton at Albermarle/Halloran Field, 9:00PM
•    Provincetown at MacMillan Wharf, 9:00 PM
•    Waltham at Leary Field, 9:15 PM
•    Winthrop at Coughlin Park, 9:15 PM

Avoiding personal injury is a safety goal anytime fireworks are around, and although fireworks are generally safe when used properly, there are occasions when people suffer personal injury due to negligence. If you or anyone you know ends up being injured due to fireworks safety precautions being overlooked, don’t take it lightly. Safety precautions are in place for a reason, and if your injury could have been prevented, you should contact an attorney to find out about compensation.

By Todd Beauregard


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